PopGenReport - A Simple Framework to Analyse Population and Landscape Genetic Data
Provides beginner friendly framework to analyse population genetic data. Based on 'adegenet' objects it uses 'knitr' to create comprehensive reports on spatial genetic data. For detailed information how to use the package refer to the comprehensive tutorials or visit <http://www.popgenreport.org/>.
Last updated 1 years ago
7.27 score 5 stars 1 dependents 82 scripts 974 downloadsdartR.data - Auxiliary Data Package for Our Main Package 'dartR'
Data package for 'dartR'. Provides data sets to run examples in 'dartR'. This was necessary due to the size limit imposed by 'CRAN'. The data in 'dartR.data' is needed to run the examples provided in the 'dartR' functions. All available data sets are either based on actual data (but reduced in size) and/or simulated data sets to allow the fast execution of examples and demonstration of the functions.
Last updated 10 months ago
5.20 score 7 dependents 4 scripts 1.5k downloadsdartRverse - Install and Load the 'dartRverse' Suits of Packages
Provides a single function that supports the installation of all packages belonging to the 'dartRverse'. The 'dartRverse' is a set of packages that work together to analyse SNP (single nuclear polymorphism) data. All packages aim to have a similar 'look and feel' and are based on the same type of data structure ('genlight'), with additional metadata for loci and individuals (samples). For more information visit the 'GitHub' pages <https://github.com/green-striped-gecko/dartRverse>.
Last updated 1 days ago
4.45 score 3 stars 47 scripts 909 downloadsdartR.sim - Computer Simulations of 'SNP' Data
Allows to simulate SNP data using genlight objects. For example, it is straight forward to simulate a simple drift scenario with exchange of individuals between two populations or create a new genlight object based on allele frequencies of an existing genlight object.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.70 score 1 scripts 384 downloadsdartR.captive - Analysing 'SNP' Data to Support Captive Breeding
Functions are provided that facilitate the analysis of SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) data to answer questions regarding captive breeding and relatedness between individuals. 'dartR.captive' is part of the 'dartRverse' suit of packages. Gruber et al. (2018) <doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12745>. Mijangos et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13918>.
Last updated 23 days ago
2.00 score 1 stars 3 scripts 164 downloadsdartR.sexlinked - Analysing SNP Data to Identify Sex-Linked Markers
Identifies, filters and exports sex linked markers using 'SNP' (single nucleotide polymorphism) data. To install the other packages, we recommend to install the 'dartRverse' package, that supports the installation of all packages in the 'dartRverse'. If you want understand the applied rational to identify sexlinked markers and/or want to cite 'dartR.sexlinked', you find the information by typing citation('dartR.sexlinked') in the console.
Last updated 9 months ago
2.00 score 4 scripts 660 downloads